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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

A thought, provoked again

A thought which was dormant in me from quite a long time, suddenly woke from a post I read recently. It was a post from a young boy who dream big and want to mark his name in this vast world.

Earlier version of the same thought:
April, 2007
Circumstances may bring uncertain ups and downs in the life, but the art is to remain what you are, keeping a slight space for changes in your life. I used to enjoy life with zeal and enthusiasm, but now urge for more has captured me. Have I changed?
I have to be same,
I have to do what I am meant to do,
I have a purpose in life and I should go for it,
I will keep this fire burning in me, until it takes me to the heights,
I am not meant for Wasting time on worldly illusions and beautiful faces. I have to reach somewhere. The life I got is not so cheap that it will vanish in the daily race for food , shelter and clothing. I have that thing in me, which can take to success. I can change the courses of rivers and bloom flowers in the desert. Yes, I can. Fulfilling other's expectations has slowed me down. More I try to fulfill it, more it widens its mouth. Some expectations are far beyond my capabilities even. Some are just for others happiness.

When I think about the same thing, I feel delighted that not much have changed in me. I have been able to successfully restore myself after all those thunderstorms, cool breezes.
the current version of the same thought will be somewhat different. I would say a bit more polished with maturity and experience and patience.
I am here, because of my past choices and circumstances. The events irreversibly turned me or I should say, taught me various things. The will power and the determination is now a bit loosened, but not the desire and urge to do something and mark my name. I have learned to learn from both favorable and unfavorable circumstances. I have become more flexible to situation(i don't know that's a good or a bad thing).
But surely, I am not indulged in wasting my life in the race. I have learned from the intellectual people, that keep on doing your work with full vigor and enthusiasm, but forget the results and don't get attached to it. That way you can give your best shot. Enjoy the work and don't think about the selfish motives in it. I acquired certain very particular skill set, which I should use for the upliftment of the humanity. Now the definitions of words used earlier has been changed. Marking the name, no longer includes getting prizes, recognition and definitely not money, now it means the remembrance of the name after the death, number of smiles on people's faces, number of times helping the helpless. It doesn't mean, I am going to leave everything and join an NGO. I am doing it being at my place, with my capabilities. It's like a farmer growing crops to feed people, a teacher teaching small children and a computer engineer developing a software to predict rain, all of them from different background and have different skill set, but they all are contributing in their own way.
Now indulging in the worldly illusions, means not getting into petty tensions and fulfilling the stupid expectations.
But now I know, the difference between duties and fulfilling the expectations, now I can make a demarcation between what I should do and what others want me to do.

It's this urge to learn more and more. it's this predominant characteristic of learning new things, exploring the world which is so vast and filled with so much wonderful things and phenomena. This was the reason of this thought, of this desire to do more and make a change.
I can remember a scene from the famous movie "A beautiful mind", where John Nash was asked, "what do you see, John?", to which he replied, "Recognition", his thesis advisor adds to this, "Well, Try seeing accomplishments".

Now with time, I learned that,
Accomplishments leads to recognition and that creates a mark which will always be remembered and will bring success with it. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

People we meet

                                                 People we meet in our lives
I think the people we meet in life and the loves of our lives are very, very important in what we become, like change us - when it's right, probably change us for the best.
Clemence Poesy

    Life is a journey filled with lessons, hardships, heartaches, joys, celebrations and special moments that will ultimately lead us to our destination, our purpose in life. The road will not always be smooth; in fact, throughout our travels, we will encounter many challenges.
Some of these challenges will test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along the way, we may stumble upon obstacles that will come between the paths that we are destined to take. In order to follow the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are really blessings in disguise, only we don't realize that at the time. Along our journey we will be confronted with many situations, some will be filled with joy, and some will be filled with heartache. How we react to what we are faced will determine what kind of outcome the rest of our journey through life will be like.  

        Time stops for no one, and if we allow ourselves to focus on the negative we might miss out on some really amazing things that life has to offer. We can't go back to the past, we can only take the lessons that we have learned and the experiences that we have gained from it and move on. It is because of the heartaches, as well as the hardships, that in the end help to make us a stronger person.
 But think it other way round, What happens to us, happens both by chance and by choice. What happens to us "by chance" determines our choices and what kind of chances we expose ourselves to later.  E.g. a boy may "happen" to go to a certain high school because he happens to live nearby. There he may "happen" to meet a friend who loves basketball. The boy also starts playing, falls and breaks his leg. Was it by chance? All of these events seem to have happened by chance, but all of them are connected. And if same boy mastered the game later and became a world class player, was it by chance too?
 Now Are we really destined to meet the people we meet? It’s like asking, why we do, what we do. For a moment imagine, every person we meet, we are meant to meet, no matter how long they stay in our lives. I being a believer of destiny, have my personal opinion. Every person is unique in himself and if we are being wise, we can always find something to learn from the person we meet. Whether they stay for an hour, a day, or 10 years, they are there for the right amount of time. That amount of time is simply how long it takes you to learn the soul lesson.
 If the experience seems negative, and this certain person really irritates you, or you feel like you cannot connect to someone, that experience presents itself in your journey to give you an opportunity to learn patience, understanding, or perhaps empathy. It gives you an opportunity to see yourself even in someone your ego categorizes as different, less than, or not good. The people we meet who seem special, with whom we connect instantaneously, they enter into our journey to show us that we are on the right path. To show that we are creating a path for ourselves that is true to our being, to our soul, to our creativity and connecting to people at higher levels proves this. If you believe that there is meaning behind every interaction in your life, then you will always be kind, patient, loving, and free of attachment.       
Sometimes you meet a teacher figure in your life who has taught you something you will never forget, whether it was one specific lesson or many little ones. You may also meet a person who provided some sort of motivation that made you exceed your own expectations, so you might as well thank him or her, but by then they may have left.
"An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break."
This is an old Chinese belief about that “if you’re supposed to meet a person, there’s not much you can do to change that”. You can find several different versions of this in both Japanese and Chinese legends. One myth say that it’s the gods who ties a red cord around the ankles of those people that are meant to meet each other in a specific situation, or help each other out in a way.
Have you ever wondered sometimes that what if you had been to a different college than the one you attended? A different school. A different workplace. Would you be the same person as you are now? Definitely not, is my answer.
                                       Memories are priceless treasures that we can cherish forever in our hearts. They also enable us to go on with our journey for whatever life has in store for us. Throughout this life adventure, people will give you advice and insights on how to live your life but when it all comes down to it, you must always do what you feel is right. Always follow your heart, and most importantly never have any regrets. Don't hold anything back. Say what you want to say, and do what you want to do, because sometimes we don't get a second chance to say or do what we should have the first time around. It is often said that what doesn't kill you will make you stronger. It all depends on how one defines the word "strong". It can have different meanings to different people. In this sense, "stronger" means looking back at the person you were and comparing it to the person you have become today. It also means looking deep into your soul and realizing that the person you are today couldn't exist if it weren't for the things that have happened in the past or for the people that you have met. Everything that happens in our life happens for a reason and sometimes that means we must face heartaches in order to experience joy.
It is inevitable that the people we meet influence our lives to some extent. May not be completely. But every personal interaction has a role to play in our lives either directly or indirectly.
Why do we meet certain people in our life?
In Indian mythologies and sometimes in science, this has been said that while humans are thinking, they fill the aura with the vibrations and these vibrations affect things and people around you which subconsciously leads to coincidences to happen. Taking this thought a little further, the kind of vibrations that propagates in the space due to one's thinking affects other person's thoughts and if they tune up, they meet through coincidences (as we don't yet have proof of this), they both learn from each other, push each other on the path, they were subconsciously thinking about. People who want to be successful, who always dream about that thing only, keeps on working towards that goal only, end up meeting that kind of people only who motivates or helps them to achieve their goals, is it a coincidence or some unexplained science?
For those who don't like paranormal or mythological stuff much, imagine a person who has positive attitude for life, always tries to see the positive side of life, always finds positive in people and hence makes same kind of friends, ends up in the circle of same mentality of people. On the other side, if a person who likes violence, will make friends with same mentality.
Your thought process makes you observant for certain typical patterns in the society around you, or among the people around you. When you find that pattern, you find yourself attracted to that, and hence it helps you in learning something or the other from that. But if by chance, you end up meeting the different kind of person, they will not stay in your life for long, but they will also teach you something in that short span of time.   
I am almost convinced that the people we meet have a role to play in our lives and it is in no way a random thing. Everyone we know now was a stranger at some time. Absolute stranger. Even best friends were strangers once.
I tried, taking a pen and paper and writing all the influential people in my life, but I ended by writing only two pages, but there were lot more, few whose name I don’t even remember, few whose name I don’t want to remember, few who are still with me, few who were strangers. But thanks to all of them, for carving me what I am today.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Cage, it is...

A strange thought struck my mind sometimes back, since then it is like a splinter in my head. I was unable to find the answers. I kept on thinking about it but couldn't find any explanation for this, so I decided to go for all the possibilities for it and write down whatever comes to my mind. 

                            I was standing on the terrace, looking at the zenith where green farms were there, road laid with vehicles running in a hap hazard way, people roaming, buildings installed to keep their residents safe, poor people living in their small houses made of mud walls and tin sheds. Suddenly a thought struck. What is this I am looking at? When I see something, it induces a particular emotion in me, but why? Then I pondered over that thought and went little deep. What I was seeing, is what is visible to me, there can be many other things, which I am unable to see. 

                          Our senses are so much bounded. Firstly, we have only 5 senses; there can be more senses possible in the universe. People debate about having somewhere around 20 senses, but it's still debatable. But let's focus on defined 5 senses for this time. In addition to that, these senses are also very much constrained. We can see so little or very small spectrum of electromagnetic waves (which we call visible light), we can only hear a very little spectrum of vibrations; rest is touch, taste and smell. Animals like pit vipers, pythons and some boas have organs that allow them to detect infrared light, such that these snakes are able to sense the body heat of their prey. Birds and some other animals have the ability to see in the ultraviolet down to 300 nanometers. But we, humans are deprived of all of that. Some species of animals are able to sense the world in a way that humans cannot, with some species able to sense electrical and magnetic fields, and detect water pressure and currents. It's even difficult for us to tell the difference between hard ground and marsh that only looks hard.

               Our few senses, which give us capability to see and hear, learn, know and perceive things around us, in turn make us incapable to perceive the world in its true form. From this, it can be inferred that this world is not what we perceive. So far so obvious! that with less capable ways to perceive, we cannot perceive a full picture. For example, for an ant, even a round sphere is flat, but we can see its 3 dimensions. Yet for a long wire kept at a large distance from us, our perception depicts it as 1 dimensional, yet the same ant now moving on that wire can feel its 2 dimensions. So this world is not what we perceive. It is lot more complex than that. Isn't it? 

                                 Solid, liquid, gas has molecules, atoms, electron-protons, quarks, but as we can't see the microscopic units with naked eyes, we perceive it the way it is. We see and feel things as per our scale and our senses. We touch and feel the surface finish of the surface, ignoring the fact that at the microscopic level, there are crest and troughs and even at the atomic level, there are electron cloud spread in space. 

                        Now let's take it a step forward. Here I was talking about what one was perceiving at that moment. But what about what happened in past or what is going to happen in future? We can't sense that even. We can only perceive thing in present and on that basis we create experiences and learn and consider ourselves as intelligent. Are we really intelligent? Now can you feel the plight of a deaf and dumb person walking on the road? Now putting my questions in simple and straight form. 

Does this mean that our reality is a canvas drawn in front of our eyes?

 or much basic version, what is reality?

 and why is the system of universe like this?

 Why we evolved(if we evolved) like this or why we were granted with such limited power of perception?

All these questions can't be answered. As Einstein said, a problem can't be solved by the same mindset which created it. We have to go beyond the current level to understand it and solve it.

WHAT DO we actually mean by reality? A straightforward answer is that it means everything that appears to our five senses – everything that we can see, smell, touch and so forth. Yet this answer ignores such problematic entities as electrons, the recession and the number 5, which we cannot sense but which are very real. Both can appear vividly real, but we would like to say that these are not part of reality. We could tweak the definition by equating reality with what appears to a sufficiently large group of people, thereby ruling out subjective hallucinations.

                              The question “what exists?” reduces, for what in philosophy passes for practical purposes, to questions such as “what do we mean by ‘know’?”

One possible explanation: (If you believe in paranormal stories) It is drawn in front of us to keep us busy, because if humans are given immense power, this place will become hell. So for the perception of higher world, it is left for only the worthy one, who can achieve it by consistent effort and hard work. I won't be wrong if I have to say that it is an arena made for us to learn, to make our soul and inner self learn and to see and feel beyond the usual. To stretch the dimensions of ourselves to see the actual reality and to realize the truth hidden behind this illusive world, can be a difficult task but not an impossible one. We see it every day, but we don't realize it, we don't appreciate the fact that it is here for us. We play every day, every moment in this space-time foam on the directives decided by society and others and yet we forget the very underlying fact. We are so much into it that we don't understand what we truly are. We just see the outer projection of this world, which we can see partially due to our in-capabilities and we think that this is the complete thing, not realizing the fact that there is things way beyond that.

            Imagine a person, playing an online virtual world game, and he is so much into it that for few moments he forgets about the reality, the world, etc. He is in his avatar, who is in the virtual world. His character dies there in game, he himself feels bad. What is that? 

But there we know that it is a game, although it's 3D, etc. but at the end we know it's a game. Then what about this real world?  Can't it be like a game? in which users are so much indulged. 

              Maybe the reader can argue that this concept was discussed in Matrix movie. Yes, I agree, but there is more to it. I am not arguing about the virtual world to keep the humans busy, I am asking, that maybe this is the complete picture and we are incapable of seeing it. Maybe someone doesn't want us to see it the way it is, or maybe we are not ready yet.

                   Have you ever thought that our brain working is so vast and we can use it to decode anything, but to tame such power one needs a lot of effort, so we caged it to keep it under control. I don't know, we caged it or someone else caged it. I would say, We have made a mental cage of worldly illusions and entanglements and feelings and emotions that doesn't allow us to think and release our brain's higher functioning. We cannot think beyond our mental cage that we have created to bind our brain working. We have created it because of its unlimited power. Just like we defined comfort for our body and don't want to work. But to work is to keep our body working, not for anything else. But that's what we call hard work. Similarly we did for our brain.
                  Now let’s look it other way round, Me in office, office in city, city in country, country on earth. look for outside, we are just small as speck of dust and yet we have a vast information processing unit. What’s that? That, I believe, is the spec of god's light in us. That make me , ME, not my physical appearance, but my inner self, my feelings, my emotions, which decides my deeds and actions. To break that mental cage, we need to think beyond the bars of the cage, to make it work beyond the measures what society has set for us. But again question arises, how can be think beyond our perception. Our thinking is bounded by our in-capabilities to perceive the full picture. We have to think logically without entangling in small things. What we do is just a work which gives us living because food and living is not free nowadays. But we are lot more than that. Our brain gives us infinite capability to think and reason beyond measures, but we are entangled in the petty fights and jealousy issues. Thinking big means thinking nontraditional, thinking beyond our petty problems, thinking beyond this display of world. But how?

                                          This feeling of me, which keeps me alive and gives my brain so high power, is kind of an energy which makes us unique but how is it possible? Everybody having same body organs, and same energy which keeps them alive, still they all are different. Is it because of our life, circumstances we grew in, problems, we faced, what people showed us. Does that made all of us different and unique otherwise we would all have been same. But on the other hand, we are all same on the bigger picture; the energy within all of us is same. But many don't realize it and live their life normally, but in some people this splinter lights up and they start using their brain and explores the hidden reality of the world, which helps them to break the bonds with the worldly things, which helps them to see beyond the problems, solutions, people, their relations, everything.

If what we are seeing is just what we can see, then what I feel, I am, is also what I can feel, due to my incapability to feel and think and sense. So can I say, I am more than that or I am also an illusion to my senses. I see myself in the mirror, which shows me my looks, but my senses don't allow me to see the light waves which got reflected by my body and then hits the mirror and comes to my eyes. I can't see the small imperfections in the mirror. I don't see myself; I just see the outer projection this body gives me, which was in turn the outcome of the mating of my parents. How to get in contact with that inner self which I can only feel and which keeps me alive and gives this sense of perception and consciousness, how to feel it properly, how to realize what it is?

Reality can be defined in a way that links it to world views or parts of them (conceptual frameworks): Reality is the totality of all things, structures (actual and conceptual), events (past and present) and phenomena, whether observable or not. It is what a world view (whether it be based on individual or shared human experience) ultimately attempts to describe or map.

At one level, perception is all we have. It is not possible to experience physical reality -- what is "out there" -- directly, and so we live inside the world of our perceptions. Our brain does the best job it can at keeping our perceptions consistent with physical reality based on the information it receives from the senses, but consistency is ultimately the best we can hope for. Perception is like relative velocity. We tend to compare something or someone relative to our own perception. And thus, what we infer is relative to our belief structure, and not absolute in judgement.
The Vedantic philosophers of ancient India spoke of this confusion as maya. Often translated as "illusion" (a false perception of the world), maya is better interpreted as "delusion" (a false belief about the world). We suffer a delusion when we believe the images in our minds are the external world. We deceive ourselves when we think that the tree we see is the tree itself.

                                                     When a person sees a leaf, he sees the green color of that leaf and makes an impression in his mind that ‘leaves are green’, but think what science told us, the light rays from the source, fell on the leaf and got reflected back, as science found out that the leaf surface absorbed a very specific frequency of the light ray and when it was perceived by our brain, it turned out to be green. Still can you say, “leaf is green”? Leaf was color-less, due to its special property, it absorbed the particular frequency of the light rays which gave it the form which we perceive. Similarly, with sound and smell, it’s the real form of the substance that gives us a sense of reality. Science has tried to unleash this for us, but still when science is trying to dig deeper, the perception of the experimenter is a big boulder.

From Kant to Newton, Einstein to present quantum physicists, people were constantly trying to understand the reality in terms of mathematical equations and gave astounding theories which changed our beliefs and made us to think about the reality again. They debated about the “observer” and shown that how important the role of observer is while acquiring knowledge or perceiving something. But that observer is still bounded by his incapable senses.

For a moment, imagine a situation, what if we can see Xrays, so instead of getting your xray done in hospital, you could have simply asked that another person to look into you. What about the clothes that we buy today? If that would have been the case, these clothes would have been useless. Then the human form we draw and learnt, would have been like the Xray images we see in hospitals. The mirror would show that form. Then a person would have really required hair gels, and all other cosmetic to make this skin glowing?

See, simple mental exercise with a change in senses changed a whole lot of reality.

Now from this, a major question arises

Is reality mental – mind; or is it physical– matter and energy? If mind, is there a deeper consciousness underlying appearances that unites us all and is the source of our conscious thoughts? If matter, can we understand how the play of material objects and forces can give rise to conscious life?

If reality is mental, we might best connect with it by skillful introspection; by a pure, deep, and penetrating way of thought that would see past appearances and show reality directly to the mind. Alternatively we might passively receive, by a process of revelation, a mental image of reality. In revelation, the cosmic mind could speak directly to us, in apparitions or visions.

                                    If ultimate reality is instead composed of matter and energy, the method recommended is more empirical; that is, more reliant on the senses. This method, which we call ‘science’, involves the formulation of statements of proposed facts (observable truths) about the physical, along with statements about relationships between the facts, in the form of physical laws. In science, these statements of laws and proposed facts are subject to criticism and testing by observation and experiment. The statements that at any time best convince, after testing and criticism, are given the status of ‘actual fact’, or if you wish, reality. In Kant’s view, we can never truly know reality in itself, what he called ‘the noumenal world’, because we are limited to our mind’s imposition of fixed ‘categories’ of knowledge upon our perceptions of it (this giving us what Kant called ‘phenomenal’ knowledge). So it would seem we are forever cut off from reality as it is in itself, that is, distinct from our minds’ apprehension of it. It is very easy to distort this perception, and this can be done through mind-altering drugs or through the loss of one of the senses.

             Now I can safely say that Reality is the relationship between the personal autonomy and the surroundings. We experience on the basis of our senses, and we keep those experiences as memories, that are called learning. Life would be hard if one starts doubting his own experience, some neurological patients have this problem of unable to rely on their experiences, and hence they experience hallucinations and other disorders. Experience is not by choice, it was forced on us. We are forced to experience the world the way we can, not the way it is actually.
Thus ending this debate, we have a speck of energy in us that makes us unique and conscious, without realizing it. All of us have that speck in us, then too some people do marvelous things, however some don’t. Does that mean, we don’t have capabilities to do extra ordinary things? We have that capability as the speck of energy that keep our body machine alive and working for on an average 70-80 years(there is no such energy supply invented yet, which can keep any machine working for such a long time), we have a very high functioning personal unit given to us as a brain.  Then also we are entangled in all this world, and complaining and blaming others, and forgetting our true potential. And strangely we are entangled in the world, which we can't even perceive properly, which we don't is real or not, which we have built around us based on our experiences, which in turn was the result of our incapable senses. Isn't this situation like a room full of kids, playing with their toys and then fighting as they want other things also, but they being ignorant don't realize that there is a big world outside the rooms, there are adults who are keeping them in the rooms busy. Now decide do you want to be that kid or do you want to open the door and see what is outside?
You go to an amusement park. Do you go to live there? Do you set your permanent residence there? No, you go and play and enjoy and see the wonders other people have created, admire them and then come back. Then why doing with this amusement park? You are not only fully entangled in it but you are jealous of what other person is doing. 
It's not to offend anybody, it's just to realize that how ignorant we are and yet we claim to be the intelligent species. Are we really that intelligent?
I have seen people often saying, that they are not capable or blaming their luck. But if for once, we change our way of perceiving things and events, the new reality will come in front of us where we will find ourselves as capable and powerful as we can be.