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Sunday, May 1, 2011

fly away...

i was happy,I was delighted..
i was sad,I was heavyhearted..
i was alone,i was frightened..
it was night, shadows darkened..
time passing by
last moment saying goodbye,
This was how its all going on,
it was perfect,why should I move on.

Rohan's days were going as usual, in the morning he used to get up earlier than alarm clock,breakfast,then job,he was altogether entangled in all these cobwebs. At office, different people with different mindsets used to accompany him, some with pretty horrendous faces, while others with the similar instincts. In the evening while coming back to home,Rohan used to visit the old ruined castle, that prevailing silence was very much soothing and relaxing for him. This was how his life was going on. During the past few years I have been watching Rohan, he did change a lot, no doubt in that. But nevertheless change is for good, good for whom?his family, his career or for others, answer of this question only Rohan can answer.
But destiny, one word which can change any body's life, was having something veiled for Rohan,it is conspiring something with the hidden intention, a player up above in skies must be looking at this boy, with a game in his mind, nobody knows what was that, how it is going to affect Rohan's life?
One fine morning, as usual Rohan woke up earlier than the alarm clock, smiled at himself, as if won a race with time.It was dark out, 5 o clock in the morning, sounds of few bikes and cars very far away,running,honking without caring about anybody else. His day used to start with a full mug of coffee, but what is it this time? just a glass of water. Thinking about something, pre-occupied, contained, he again came to bed, and slipped in the blanket and within few minutes went back to sleep again. That was the first time I saw him like that. Tick-tock, tick-tock, clock was moving at its own pace.It struck 5:30 then 6:00. Darkness outside faded away with the first rays of the orange ball.
Suddenly a sweet little bird hopped on the balcony of his bedroom, this sweet little creature, busy in her own world, with her own aura, spreading a strange happiness in the environment, enlightening the room with her own persona, singing in her own voice, chirping without any worldly tensions and barriers, must have came from a very far land full of happiness and smiles. She hopped from one end to other, flew to the wind charm, swinging on it, landed on the table, with this 'noise', which was the daily routine for the cute little one, broke his sleep. No matter what others are thinking, others are doing, she was busy doing what was fascinating her. Rohan slowly opened up his eyes, looking at that bird strangely. He kept himself busy for few minutes observing the fascinating acts of the bird, smiling and thinking something.In the meanwhile she was busy doing her things, with no idea that someone was watching her so carefully. With a smile, Rohan shook his head, as if trying to wake up from the dreams and making up his mind for the daily routine. While he was preparing his breakfast, and putting it on the breakfast table, the little beautiful species was busy playing all around with his gadgets on his table, sometimes searching for something, sometimes staring at the alien things trying to understand what they can be, during all this Rohan was keeping an eye on the bird. While having his breakfast, a sudden thought came to his mind, he looked around at the walls at the floor,"this room was same as it was before, but today it appears to me as if it is filled with a strange energy, without any reason I am smiling and am ready to start my day with a new enthusiasm, what's the reason for this?"
A sweet voice broke the silence, again the naughty little one's, chirping sweetly down the floor.Rohan smiled as his all questions had been answered. With a deep sigh of satisfaction, that bird gave a completely different overview of happiness to Rohan in just some minutes,Rohan thought if she could stay with him for some day, it could change his life, could make it better, and he could also take care of that little creature who always had a fear of getting hunted by the hawk flying above in skies.
"Will u be with me for sometime?",Rohan asked her suddenly softly thinking she would fly away. Silence, Long pause....
All naughty acts were stopped, no popping, no chirping, no singing, she was startled by the question, looked outside the window, then again back to the room, then at Rohan, as if trying to choose one option out of many choices. She slowly opened her little wings, took a little flight to the window, looked back at Rohan smiling. Opposite of what he expected, she popped in the room from the window, as if inspecting it, searching for something with the bright wide open eyes, then in her voice replied "Yes I will". Rohan was so delighted with that positive reply, he smiled back and went back to his daily work. Both of them had their first breakfast together, he gave her pieces of bread he prepared for himself, but no conversations exchanged, just looking at each other, as if trying to figure out each other and analysing. Then he got ready and went to work, but this time I have seen Rohan unlike before, a strange enthusiasm was there, a strange quest, something was there that was bothering me. On his way back to home, he purchased some grains and other products for his new guest, hoping that she would like it. Opened up the room, eyes searching for the little one,'where is she?', she suddenly turned up from the wings of the fan, as if trying to give him a surprise. They talked about they spent the whole day, what they did, strange incidents, even i was just watching this game of the 'maker'.
From that day, Rohan's schedule changed, he himself changed, now I used to find him smiling while gazing at the horizon, while preparing dinner, it was like as if he was satisfied with what he had now. Days passed, months passed, but their senseless talks never ended, every time they met they started talking endlessly. Rohan used to tell her stories about his past job, his last apartment, his hometown, while the bird used to tell him about her far island , her family, friends.
But this happiness had brought few tweaks with it. Every story is not perfect, but I knew that even if this story is not perfect, it is not going to fade away just like that.
One day whie driving to his office, in front of his desk, one thought was haunting his mind,"Should I keep her in cage? no, this sweet little creature turned to me by her own choice,I will not put bounds to her freedom.I gave her food, played with her, she kept on singing since morning to dawn, chirping all day long, always in her own world. It was like a zephyr for me after long hectic day, everyday I use to talk to her, sing with her, her meaningless stories, about her far island, about her colleagues, about the hawk which once attacked it and she managed to escape, I will not put her in cage, but what if she flew away, what if she one day left without even saying a bye, no matter what happens i will not put her in cage, she is a free creature, she is meant to spread happiness, 'it is by chance we met, it is by luck we became friends, now it will be by destiny what happens next'" . After reaching home, he was silent, the bird softly asked"is something wrong? was your boss hard on you today? I missed you". With her few words and that soft voice, Rohan forgot all those weird thoughts and smiled, and they as usual sat together and exchanged conversation till the sounds of TVs near by faded and the lights of other apartments switched off. But that thought was still in his mind. This was disturbing me and Rohan both, I was disturbed because I have never seen him so possessive and selfish in years, and he was disturbed thinking that this was the first time he hided something from her, from her who told everything so frankly to him without a single sign of hesitation. Hours swept by, days. One day Rohan came back from office, she was still busy chirping and singing. Rohan went close to her to play with, they talked, they sang loudly, they ate together, then she slept.Rohan as usual came upto his desk, thinking he could do some work. While looking at her,Rohan realized she was not meant to be here, she meant to be there in skies, in her far island, flying free of worries. This thought kept on haunting him the whole night, she was sleeping without even knowing what was going in his mind. It was once again a fine morning. She woke up as usual early. She looked at him , smiled and continued with her chirping. Rohan gathered all of his strength and fired what I never expected and what he never wanted to say to her,"i think its time you should leave, your friends, your people must be waiting for you"
She surprisingly looked at him, shocked, astonished, a drop of tear, silence all over."you stayed with me,I enjoyed, but you don't belong here, you are a part of my life, and imminent part a distinguished part which i can never forget, but I think its time for you to go", he was rude, and after saying this he went to the other room, kind of escaping from the situation. Hearing this, she wiped off her tears, controlled herself, and this was the first time all of that sweetness and charming chirping was gone, she flew to the room where Rohan was sitting and his eyes were red and full of tears, replied in her voice,"you unlike others never bothered to put me in cage, never thought to slaughter me,I stayed here because I got a friend like never before, with whom I enjoyed a completely different world,i learnt to swing on your wind charm,I use to hop all over this new place you never stopped me",suddenly Rohan interrupted,"but you don't belong here", She smiled and continued again,"we are from completely different worlds, completely different but did that ever came between us when we use to eat together, sing together, laugh together", then thinking something, as if finding words to say, she flew back to the next room left him alone.
Rohan left for work and the complete day he thought that when he would reach home, it's going to be empty again, no sound of chirping and laughter. During his drive back to home, he stopped his car in front of groccery store with the habit of buying something for her, but then he realized that he should change this habit now. Reached the building, parked his car and slowly climbed the stairs, with heavy heart he opened the lock, "what, she is still here, how come, didn't she, it must be...", he was so delighted to see her on the balcony window. She looked back, smiled and hopped a little, and flew to his shoulders, but no words exchanged. They enjoyed their dinner once again as any other day.
In the evening while Rohan was in the next room doing his work, bird was busy watching the skies and thinking about what he said, no chirping no songs. She called Rohan while sitting on the window.
Rohan, standing near the door, smiling. She was sitting at the window heavy winds outside.
"I will come back to you one day, bye, see you soon" and she flew away, without even looking back,left Rohan astonished, shocked, stoned.