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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Can you do, What You want to do ?

                                                        Can you do, What You want to do ?
 Part -1

A young boy thinking while sitting near the window. Flashes of memory were sweeping before his eyes, his mind all occupied and flooded with the never ending thoughts, engulfing his perception of reality.
Rohan, a prodigy who was born during the time of great sorrow, when his parents were not able to provide food on the table and his younger brother was left alone to cry due to hunger. He survived the era, but instead of putting hard feelings in him, the circumstances made him more humble and insightful. He understood the reality of the world and the secrets of happiness.
One day when he questioned his plight, he asked himself, 'Is this life?'. That question haunted him for day and night. He promised himself that he will become strong to change things around him and will find the answer to that question.
At the age of 10, he got his hands on the withered spiritual book, while he was trying to find something in pile of papers and old books. He started reading, and kept on reading continuously for 3 days without sleeping, locked himself in a room. It filled him with a strange calmness, but there was always something that kept on bothering him, like a splinter in his head. He used to think while he was alone, walking down the streets. His perception changed. The way he used to look at other people changed drastically. He realized that if everybody will do their duty properly, and without any expectation, this world will surely be a better place.
During his early days of school, it was his teacher, Ishan, who first acknowledged his intelligence, and forged the raw stone into a shape. He blessed the child with his guidance and believed in him, motivated him and finally made him an independent person. Life sent many teachers to him to guide him and refine his being. With all the guidance life gave him, he grew up, but still that old childhood memories, that book were still with him. He still used to think about all that, but life changed. At 20, his responsibilities increased, his duties increased, things really changed or is it just all inside his brain? He managed things well. Helping his parents and taking care of everybody around him were the things which gave him little happiness. Those time of sorrows were now gone, but still something was missing.
One fine day, Rohan was sitting in his garden, and talking to a small sapling that was growing in the small vase, struggling just like him to grow up, but unlike him, it was getting adequate sunlight and nourishment. Rohan slowly whispered, "I used to look up in the sky and see those clouds floating without any worries. The light breeze and those grayish cloud used to clear up my doubts, and my mind. But you see, the weather has changed, now no clouds just scorching heat and strong winds, which will burn both you and me, but don't worry I will take care of you." He sighed and looked up again to the sky, a big yellow ball of fire glistening all over, mocking over the green meadows and challenging everybody to survive in such an adverse conditions. He slowly got up and went to his bedroom. The room was dark and full of cigarette smoke, but that was more like a scent to Rohan. Last time he cleaned his room was 3 months back when his friends visited him. This space was enough for him and his thoughts. Most of the time, it was all together the same question,"Is this life?" With his heavy mind, those heavy footsteps approached towards the untidy bed, with dirty bed sheets and a pillow on the leg side of the bed. He threw himself on the bed, and his mind began to wander around as always.
"Can I do, what I want to do?".