Returning back to the blog, after a long time.
I am not a critic, I am an admirer. Instead of trying to find the defects in the work, I prefer admiring the work and effort put by the team. They undoubtedly did something phenomenal.
A story of a heir getting back his kingdom from his uncle, who killed his father, can't be better told than this.
I couldn't resist writing the review for this movie. I saw the trailer and liked it, it had a new essence and new kind of scenes. I was excited to watch it. But frankly at first, I didn't had very high hopes for it. 3rd day from release of Bahubali-the beginning, I got the chance to watch it.
But after coming out from the theater, I was totally astonished to see something like that. Amazing start, breathtaking entry of the protagonist, amazing graphics, especially that mountain and waterfall, , movie kept me bound all the time, it had emotional scenes, romantic scenes, till the interval. And after that, it took a sudden turn to the "Lord of the rings" style fights.

The raw muscle power of both actors was shown perfectly. At any moment, I didn't find it exaggerating.
Even if someone tell the story here, watching this movie would be an entirely different experience.The fight sequences were amazing, from riding chariots to sword fighting and fist fighting. Turn of events kept me bound all the time, but when it ended with a question, I admired the director so much for this mind blowing move to keep the audience spell bound for the next sequel.
After a long wait, came this 2nd part, the Bahubali-2 - The conclussion. Trailer was again amazing, each character looked so prominent. The queen, the king, the graphics, one can figure out the effort put by the team in this. Finally got the chance to watch it recently.
Hopes were high because of the first part. Movie started. The entry of the actor in the first few minutes was astonishing, followed by a song, which was at the perfect place. The fresh and different humor was seen after a long time.
Entry of the lead actress, was amazingly portrayed, a princess can't be better portrayed than that. I am unable to find a word to judiciously explain the essence of that scene. It can only be felt, can't be explained. The humor followed and the war sequence was amazing. The bow and arrow war was a nice part, action and surprise blended so well.
The pride of a princess, a queen, a heir to throne, were visible during the scenes. Some scenes were emotional, while some were hilarious. Music complemented the scenes so well. The final war scenes and the final fist fight were like never seen before. They were all so fresh and one cannot compare it with any other movie in the past. The story telling technique of the director was inspiring.
As I movie ended, I was both amazed and disappointed. Amazed by the piece of art created, and disappointed, not because of the movie, but because it ended. I could watch something like this for 3 more hours.
Graphics effect simply mind blowing, the majestic grandeur of the kingdom, the characters, everything was simply superb. I don't think, anything in this movie could be done any better.
After few days, I read few more critic reviews, who were disappointed by this, some trying to find smallest mistakes in the movies, some comparing it with Hollywood, but I guess it's their work, they get paid to do that. I also saw the people from US reviewing it, some of their reactions were hilarious, surprised and in between,"Oh my god" . In one review of a famous Youtuber and blogger, she was saying "My god" after every 2 seconds.
But Mr. Director you have heartiest regards of millions of people like me, for such a great work. Prabhas, Rana and each character of the movie created a history. This movie broke several records, and made a special place in cinema. It will be an inspiring work for budding people. Each character left a strong impact on the audience.
I guess to describe each of the character I would need a separate post. So, I will try to keep it short.

This movie is on my top 'must watch' list, highly recommended, along with movies like Inception, Interstellar, Passengers. Looking forward to see more work from S. S. Rajamouli.