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Monday, September 8, 2014

Intelligence, a gift or a curse. Part - II

This is the final part of the previous post.
Earlier, I pointed out some of the qualities, rather disadvantages of intelligent beings, here I am going to discuss it why by quoting a very simple examples from my day to day life. First of all, let me put very rigidly, "It's not their fault", as said in the famous movie "Good Will Hunting", a story of a genius boy who doesn't know what to do with his intelligence.
A high functioning brain can be a gift and can be curse at times. Those who have seen Sherlock Holmes series may remember the scene where a high functioning socio-path Sherlock finds himself agitated when he had no case to solve, whereas he finds eternal joy in solving puzzles and crime cases. It's very common problem with functioning brain (I won't say even high functioning brain). These people need to keep themselves busy which can be by becoming a information gatherer, a workaholic,...They keep their brain indulged in their activities, which can be from indulging themselves in a project, in a research, or making a painting, solving puzzles to reading a book, working on their laptops, surfing internet. The moment they are out of work, their brain starts asking for something to work upon, their quench starts driving them insane. It's like a burning splinter in the head, keep the devil busy otherwise it will drive you insane. I have experienced it, a nightmare for me.
From here one more interesting thing is derived, the work that fascinates them is always their top priority, all other things are like a mere duties. Their continuous urge for finding new and new things, and tinkering attitude, is a gift when it comes to an academic or a professional person, but it's a worse curse when it comes to a social guy.
For them, talking about daily topics which commonly people do is mere waste of time and resources. They find common people's talks as boring, mundane and simply illogical. However they don't consider themselves superior or hate people, it's just they can't stand the low IQ talks of the lesser mortals. At first you may find such a guy introvert or laconic, but try to talk to him about something beyond normal, Einstein's theory of relativity or Quantum computers, then see he will be the most efficient listener and speaker you have ever encountered. Few of the high functioning people develop a sense of superiority and pride while others remain down to earth.
Their talks, daily routines, everything is based on logic. For them every has a pros and a con. They ask questions to themselves during every act. A simple purchase can be a topic of consideration for them. That's why they are sometimes indecisive, they find it hard to take quick decisions without considering it pros and cons. They always go for details information considering every aspect and then they take decisions.
I remember once I was sitting with my friend in CCD. He is one 'intelligent" guy. While other couples were busy in their romantic chats, some people talking and laughing, some discussing political scenario, he was discussing his new project ideas with me. When a normal person walks down the lane, what he sees, he see people coming and going, vehicles moving, etc, but for a high functioning guy this is all something else. Maybe in his mind, he is thinking about how to model human walk or traffic jam. The point is that they are busy with their thoughts, which make them outstanding and introvert. These people are not hard to understand but socially hard to deal with.
I haven't met a 100% of such person, but a mixture of a normal person with a high functioning brain, they are both sensitive and analytical at times. Once they find you as a person of same frequency or tuning, they can be your best friends or partners.
I am not writing this article because I have to do some kind of research on people with high functioning brain. These are all my experiences which I am spitting out in this post. I am writing this because I am getting bored in this office where I find work too little to keep me busy, people gossiping around which I too find boring and illogical, and most importantly I too need to keep my functioning brain busy.

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