Trust me when I say intelligence is a curse, I mean it. When I addresses intelligent person, although I mean an analytical thinker, left-brain thinkers, but Intelligence is a very vague and very vast term, it can't be judged by one's daily activities, by one's work, it's something implicit. When you sit besides an intelligent person, you can feel it, appreciate it but you can't put it in numbers or charts. But the question I am addressing here, do they themselves enjoy this gift?
A gift has a curse attached to it, just like a two faced coin. It has been said that a beautiful mind is a terrible thing to waste. And yet, it would seem like every day I live is just one step closer to wasting this mind of mine. One would think that a better brain could only make its owner’s life easier. But it is the most counter-intuitive thing in the world. Gifted children more often that not, quickly becomes outcasts. Either they go inward, ignoring everybody and living a very quiet, introverted life or they become arrogant, confrontational or even destructive. And then, mental illness kicks in.
First of all I will quote few disadvantages of intelligence, but my main purpose of writing this article is to discuss why.
Logic, not emotion, rules in the land of the analytical. The very traits that make an analytical person poor with people make them good with computers.
Perhaps there are one or more of these curses of the analytical thinker:
1. Night owl
Studies show that people with higher IQ stay up late at night, so logically they wake up later. Experts say that it should not be surprising because intelligent people often choose night hours for reading, studying, analysing, writing. The brain, due to the work, awakens and they find it hard to fall asleep later. The downside is that a good night's sleep is important for health and normal functioning of the human.
2: Loners/ Hard to find a partner
Analyticals would rather spend time alone with a good book or movie than with people. It's not that they dislike people, per se. The intelligent people hardly meet people because they are reclusive and often have high standards. But the good news is that once they find a suitable partner, they enjoy much better life than people of average intelligence. They just find them boring, uninspiring, and mundane. I mean, really, when was the last time you found someone who wanted to discuss the theory of relativity or the law of diminishing marginal returns?
3: Information addict
Analytical thinkers just can't get enough information. They devour Web pages about everything from the weather to the latest high tech gadget. They have voracious appetites for facts and figures of any kind. They head straight for the specifications page when shopping for anything more technologically sophisticated than an alarm clock. I can understand how this behaviour might be really annoying to a family member.
4: Vacillatory
Most people see only one side of a controversial issue. Not the analytical thinker. To him, every issue has pros and cons. To him, the glass can be both half full and half empty at the same time. He always try to see pros and cons in every situation, be it anything from merely buying a simple item to a life changing decisions.
5: Indecisive
Because the analytical likes to gather as many facts as possible before making an informed decision, he may be perceived by others as being indecisive. The phrase "lead or get off the pot" could apply to the analytical manager who is so busy gathering information that he often overlooks the value of a quick, definitive decision.
6: Insensitive
As their most of the thinking is based on logic and their quench for information which is insatiable, makes them less sensitive when it comes to social terms. They analyse most of the things logically hence for them emotions, feelings are kind of a hindrance.
7: Habitual
It can be hard to for analyticals to break their habits. They prefer the predictable, daily routine and are resistant to change. It's not that they can't accept change; analyticals would just prefer it not intrude upon their comfort zone
8: Socially inept
Analyticals take matters literally -- too literally. It is not the intention of the analytical to be critical but rather to provide an honest assessment, although it is almost always perceived as criticism.
9: Skeptical
Politicians, of all people, know that it's hard to fool a logical thinker. If you want to sell anything to left-brain thinkers, you'd better explain why they need it. An analytical needs facts, not feelings or persuasive platitudes.
Every curse is a blessing in disguise. Because analytical thinkers like information in tabular format, I give you the 10 blessings for the aforementioned curses:
Each curse can be viewed as a blessing.
Give your favourite analytical person a break the next time you want to scream at him. The characteristics you find so annoying do have positive benefits to society.
- to be continued
1 comment:
Very NYC .....(y)
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