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Friday, December 11, 2009

He met the girl (episode-II)

Rohan, who has never been through any such situation, neither he was ready for this, kept on thinking over, the behaviour of the girl, the disposition she showed. He was spirited away by those words, still in his mind. He decided in himself not to meet her next day, to quit it all. He made up his mind to look for something somewhere. But it was destiny’s conspiracy so can’t help it. He was feeling helpless stuck into this problem, from which he can’t escape.

Now nothing can be done as he gave other all other opportunities, he kept on blaming and abusing himself for pushing himself into such a pit. His undoubted integrity was shattered, torn into peices, yet serenity was to be carried. Ethics, manners all these words are appearing fake to him. Entangled, yes the exact word is this, all friends gone, and Rohan stuck with this.

Rohan prepared to keep himself calm n composed in front of the damn gal. He decided to start from his side, picked his cell, feeling as if his hands were unable to hold that.

“Hey Can we meet today? I want to start it as soon as possible”

Reply from the other side was astonishing,”sure, I have no problem”

His cell again rang up; he was expecting that voice again.

“Hey, come to my hostel gate, I don’t know where the places are?”

Rohan trying to keep himself composed,”ok”. He was taught since childhood that for favours one should ask first “will do me this?”, ”will you please ..”

But ....he neglected this, because he knew this was just the glimpse of the DRAGON’s smile. Standing in front of the gals hostel and waiting, the job Rohan used to hate the most, waiting and that too in front of girls hostel. The girl turned up, but this time with a smile. But Rohan, pre-occupied, just said to himself,”Whimsical,Hypocriticism, huh!”

Exchange of regards.

Rohan was waiting for anything unpredictable, or could say ready to face anything.

Conversation started but now from the other side.
“Have you started the project?”

“No!”,god, I was surprised, guy who can give speeches over one word, was now ending his statement just in one word. Really shocking!!!!

Again a long silence. No conversation from either side, Rohan didn’t wanted to take any of the risk this time  , still trying to keep himself integrated and teaching himself by explaining the fundamental distinction. Again at the same place, where last time he met THE inevitable, he is quite but loud euphoria is going on inside him. Rohan knew answers of any of his offering would be “no”, den too, may be just for formality he asked “anything you want, you can order”

As expected answer was “No”

He ordered some food, not because he was hungry but to keep himself busy in eating. I haven’t ever seen behaving like this ever before; he was the guy who used to do whatever he liked.
It went on. Only short and to the point replies from Rohan.

On the way back, again the long and long veiled silence. Rohan was suffocating out of that,which he was never used to. He asked to break the silence”If you need anything? do tell me”. This was moreover a formality, If I would have asked him to say what’s there in his heart he would have said “if you have any problem then no need to call me”. This was just the start of the GOTHIC era. He was consoling himself with the words
“The rains are not responsible for the different type of vegetation that appear on earth, although without the rains there is no possibility of vegetations”

With the fake smiles and cold hearted BYE’s the day ended.

The next day Rohan now fed up with all this decided firmly to sort all this out, n make it all clear.

Called her, and this time without all of very own Rohan’s style, ordered her to meet.

“Do you want to continue the project?”He started without all HI’s and any formality

“Yes obviously I do”

“If you are so much irritated by me then you are free to leave, I will too find my way out”

She said” I told you na Don’t take me seriously”

The reply was so shocking that Rohan lost his nerves.

Rohan,”I don give a damn what you think about other guys, and neither I want to change that perception, But till the time you are here, you have to bear it all!! You are kind of always ready to slaughter me. I am not here to bear others attitude”
The conflict went over night, but she was not ready to realize her mistake. For every mistake she had an excuse. Her favourite dialogue within this conversation was” humein Janna itna asaan nhi hai”

Rohan was now feeling a bit light, blurting all of him. He did what he wanted to do.
After dinner he called her again with his mind all made up,” I am standing at your hostel gate, come out and make It quicker this time”

As she came out, Rohan just started without any Hi or hello

“See I have got another offer in Delhi, so I am leaving, next morning………….. You better talk to Sir, he will get another partner…………………. maybe he will terminate this project and you will join the other project with two other guys, then enjoy with them whole summers”

“I just have to tell you this; if you want you can complain”

Touch words to say for Rohan, but this time warrior is out of bounds. Girl was just listening with a smile, and a bit surprise with eyes wide open, maybe trying to act innocent.

Now I realized how much he got hurt due to words, and to what extent words can hurt. This time he was taking the revenge of what has been done with him.
Mudita,” can I say something now?”

“hmmmm, bolo”

“As I already told you don’t take me seriously, it was just to maintain distance from boys”

Wow!! I mean simply great, “stab heart with a sharp swiss knife and then dude I am sorry don’t take me seriously”. What a great answer. Rohan just silently listening to her seemingly senseless excuses

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