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Friday, February 27, 2015

19 Simple things that will make a huge difference in your life

You may have done most of this and this may seem stupid to you but do you know the importance of experiencing these simple things in your life? They go on to making your existence meaningful and continue shaping your personality. It’s a very short life and to leave a mark, you need to do all the right things and for that, you need to start now, if you haven’t started yet.

1. Stage fright, get over it

Standing on-stage has a lot to teach you. It gives you hell lot of confidence. It teaches various things like how to develop a strong speech, a charm needed to hold the listeners, etc.  

2. Try an adventure sport, feel the adrenaline rush
Feel the adrenaline rush through your veins, it will make you feel alive and when you’ll be able to hear every breath you take, you’ll realize its importance in your life. It can be anything from trekking, bike riding, sky diving, to white water river rafting. But take precautions not to hurt yourself or others.

3. Experience solitude, it does not make you a ‘loner’
Living in a crowded place everyday can make you forget who you really are and what you’d like to be. The race and competition going on everyday doesn’t allow people to spend time with their inner selves. Spend time in your own company to awaken your inner self and be the person that makes you happy and not what makes people happy. Some call it introspection, some call it meditation. I call it, a vacation. It’s a short life anyway, live it your way!

4. Stay in a hostel
It will give you the true sense of being ordinary and being crazy at the same time. Every person you meet in this lifetime has something to teach you and in a hostel, you will meet all sorts of human species. Some will become your best friends for the lifetime. Some who teach you things by irritating the hell out of you and some who set an example for you.
You will meet new people, everybody is unique in his own way in the environment where everybody among you is equal.

5. And live with a dog
They teach you what “unconditional love” means. There’s no other way of learning this term. It does not exist for us for most of our lives. We love our closed ones but all together it is conditional. And the picture below says it all. 

6. Notice nature and appreciate its beauty
Take a break, go to the mother nature, feel the breeze and the peaceful environment. It was created for our existence, but in the busy life, we forget this beautiful gift. Go to an offbeat place, sit and watch in silence. When you’ll hear, feel and see only nature, you’ll know what you’d been missing. Ever sat at the top of a mountain or on the sand facing the sea? The peace it gives to the churning mind is incomparable. Something happens in that moment, that moment of silence when you’re fighting your thoughts but that’s the point where you really get clarity in life. It’s a feeling you’ll never be able to comprehend in words.

7. Listen to stories of a war survivor patiently
He’ll tell you what it’s like to live on the edge every day and you looking up to him will make it all worth it for him. He will tell you what it's like to give your life for your country, for your friends and most importantly he will inspire you to put others before yourself, when needed.

8. Read some good books
As it is well said, there can be no better teacher and a companion than a good book. Each good book has its impact on us. A small indication of a “good” book is when you end it, you feel like losing a friend in your life. It helps in learning in infinite ways and also helps in concentrating.   

9. Fall in love, it’s beautiful
The happiness, the tears that it brings, is a completely different experience. Keeping the logic aside and listening to emotions, help you in realizing the reason of very human existence. It’s an emotion nothing or noone else can ever make you feel. 

10. But heartbreak is also crucial
Heartbreak! yes it is important to make your heart stronger and to teach you a life lesson. This world is not an easy place to live in. So you can start appreciating the small things in life that make you happy. 

11. Live with little, just once
Try living in poverty or around it for that matter, it will make you appreciate the resources you have in your world that more than half of the world does not have. You have got what others don't have. We usually don't appreciate this fact, by this way you can appreciate this fact in a simple way.

12. Try bringing a smile to a child’s face
It’s blissful. Children are simple and good at heart, and in the early age, completely stranger to the worldly corruption and misdeeds. 

13. Fail…
Success is important and so is failure. Everybody is struggling to succeed, but failure helps to learn what success really is and what it feels like to achieve it. It will help you appreciate the effort and the outcome, the journey and the destination.

14. Step out of your comfort zone, travel to another country
You came to life because of your parents but you’ll leave this world on your terms and the condition is to at least spend your life at a place of your choice. See the world and understand we are all similar in many ways. Go out of your comfort zone, and try some completely different environment. Brings adaptability and humbleness. It helps in widening your perspective.

15. Live alone once
Learn how to survive in this world. Nobody in your life comes with a lifetime warranty, learn to do without people, in general. Think on your own, be on your own, it will bring your independent being out.

16. Know your passion and follow it
Doing what you love to do and being good at it gives you a purpose to live. First find yourself a passion and then work towards excelling at it and spend the rest of your life becoming better everyday. That’s probably the best way to “live life king size”.

17. Be a dreamer, and follow your dreams
Dreams are very important, they bring out the hidden and crushed desires out and following them make you feel alive again.

18. Express yourself.
There are so many thoughts that come to our mind every day. There is lot going on inside every body of us. But keeping them inside had its effects, usually detrimental. Find a way to express your emotions, express them aloud, be it anger, love, anything. Write articles, poems, blogs, make YouTube videos, dance, paint, it can be in any form.

19.  Last and the toughest! Find a thing or a person for which you can renounce your most valuable thing in life.
 We are attached to the things so much that it hurts when they are lost, not just people, even to non-livings things around us. But the question is, are you ready to give up that? It helps you realize that how much importance it holds in your life and are you a slave of that thing.
Try not using your mobile for a day. You will realize, who was the master and who was the slave. It helps in controlling the addiction.

Adapted from Quora

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