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Friday, November 14, 2014

Life has a meaning or not !!

A difficult question to answer, people spent their entire lives finding the answers for that. 
Well, answer varies from person to person. 
Let's start with:
  1. how people think
  2. What makes people smart and alive
  3. Then what makes a personality
  4. finally answering the question

Really smart people always look at something and think why?  How?  Could that be done differently?  Better?  Cheaper?  What other applications might this fit?  Always asking pertinent questions.  
Another trait one'll find is if you give them an interesting topic, all you need to do is stand back and listen.  Usually, they're off and running.  Get that ball rolling and just stand back and be amazed.
This will make you think how smart people are when they just use 10% of their brain activity and how everybody is specialized in his own field, an engineer in his field, a mason in his own field, etc.

Now let's begin with, "What makes us alive? " or "What if it's like "Matrix"?" (thought itself is so scary)!
Life and death are two most important things which remained undefined by science, but religion has been altogether based on these two concepts only.
A child opens his eyes for first time, and checks this so seems to be infinite world. He slowly grows and starts to adopt the system. His personality starts to take a shape.
Lets get a little mathematical here.
Each and every person is unique and perfect in 'their own world'. It's like a unique point in a grid or matrix. With the course of events, that point follows a given path, making a person(which can be defined by the fitness value) what he/she is today.(people from optimization background can link it well)
So the question asked above "What are we doing?" can be posed as an analogy to "Principle of least action". A point(person's life) moving along a curve(events) based on laws of nature.
Given a course of events, what will happen to a person!
But an interesting fact lies here, as we move along life, we affect things around us and hence our future life. It's like the motion of a celestial body deforming the space cloth.
But what we are going through is the optimal process? or things could have been better?
YES undoubtedly what we are going through and what we are doing, are the most optimal solutions to this life problem. Your personality was shaped by the past events, no matter how big or small they are. Your way of talking, your way of walking, everything was shaped by situations, sometimes created by others and sometimes created by you only.

That will make you realize that we are all here for a reason.
okay, let me put it other way.
If you would have born in the place of Einstein and Einstein would have born in your place. Now from the start, the circumstances which he faced you would have faced and events which shaped him and lighted the splinter in his mind, would have surely made the same changes in you.
And Einstein in your place would have got the same upbringing as you and he would have grown same the way you are now due to all the circumstances which you have faced today.
In that way, you would have devised the theory of relativity instead, but you didn't because you didn't born at his place, you didn't faced what he faced.
The famous scientist born in his place, came across series of events in his life, which led him to come up to the top of the scientific world.
Hence we are all here for a reason, it can be big or small, but We all are here for a reason, Newton for Mechanics, Einstein for Relativity, people don't know you and me, but that doesn't mean we are less than them. 
I refuse to accept that life has no meaning. Now let's dig it a little deeper.
I think that a better answer would be to realize that we cannot attach a word like 'meaning' in its conventional sense to something like life. Life is everywhere and it is everything. Some people prefer to replace life with God in my previous sentence, hence trying to restrict that within the finite limits of the word meaning is difficult, if not impossible.
Consider this, human beings live in between two states of turmoil. One is the commotion that's external to us. all the vehicle honks, terrorist attacks, deforestation, etc. and the other is internal to us, all the insecurity, envy, jealousy and so on. For most people at night when they go to bed, they can block out the external commotion but cannot do anything about the internal ones.
I believe that life is about finding that small space in between all that ruckus where you are at peace with yourself and your world. It is that oasis which is the fountain for all creativity and innovation. From that oasis, you can look at the commotion filled world all around you and capture it through verse, action, paint or film.
This objectiveness and detachment about your surroundings, its pretty much what most religions and gurus talk about, but since I believe in the satirical nature of everything, I personally do not think that we can ever get to that perfect point. Perfect harmony is not possible or maybe we will never know when we get there. but the happiness is in the doing right? That's life.

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